Thursday, 20 October 2011

I have managed to weed and dig over the potato bed
 - have dug up all the potatoes, which are really scrumptious,  
 and have cleared the sweet peas out. I've also sowed lambs' lettuce in four of the squares under the mini-greenhouses. The lambs' lettuce which I sowed three weeks ago is just beginning to show in the greenhouses and I'm really glad I sowed it there because 
these are the tracks of deer left behind on what was the sweet pea bed after I weeded it on Tuesday. I'm quite sure they would have nibbled away anything I'd sown before, had it not been under cover.
 Let's hope that the roast venison I've ordered for Channukah will be the guilty culprit.
Everything is TIDY! Yippee!

Sunday, 16 October 2011

Square Foot at Sukkoth

Tuesday, 4 October 2011

October SFG

I've done quite a bit in the garden recently, tidying up and preparing for colder weather and it all looks great. I'm looking forward to the arrival of two more mini-greenhouses for the other two 2x4s in which I hope to sow and plant some winter salads - lambs' lettuce particularly. I've sown some in the 2x4 under the first little greenhouse, as well as some oakleaf lettuce and a bit of curly kale, in the hope of getting some winter vitamins.